BeniBela online

News archive

More recent news you can find on the entry page.

7th November 2008

I added a translation unit for fpc-files (you need it for compiling APIM) and improved my html template parser, so that it now supports optional elements.

18th October 2008

It took a long time, but there is now a new version of APIV, a program to control other ones. It is now called API Manager due to another program with the same name.
It has got some new features, but the most important improvement is that it is much more stable and flexible. The old version often crashed or doesn't start at all, now something like that shouldn't happen anymore. And it is flexible, because it supports docking which you can use to choose the layout you want. It also supports automatically translations, so it has been translated into English. The GUI part is nearly completely rewritten and converted from Delphi to Lazarus. Furthermore the source is nice enough that I can publish it under the GPL.

15th October 2008

(not translated)

Das neue VideLibri 0.994 bringt einige kosmetische Verbesserungen.

24th September 2008

Today is the World Day Against Software Patents.

3rd September 2008

There is a new update for the TreeListView which fixes some graphic issues with the XP-themes and FPC or Delphi 7 or higher (D4-6 has worked correctly).

30th August 2008

I have looked a little bit around on my harddisk und diged out some old projects (from around 2000): The most useful is a younger extended color selection dialog. Then there is a collection of colorful standard components..
Because I started programming many games at that time, here is a small clone of snake as well as two unfinished games: a space ship game and a RTS game
Furthermore there is a small update for the TreeListView (thanks to Bruce Christensen).

25th August 2008

Today there are some small changes:
The XML converter JAXMLP can now call additional programs during a transformation and insert their output into created files.
My TreeListView can now be used in old Delphi versions and has got a Mozilla like search bar. Additional there is a template-based html parser for use with FreePascal. These last three components have a new html documentation.

31st July 2008

I have modified the layout of this site, so that it works probably stably in all browsers. You can now zoom the pages in IE 7, print in FireFox, search something and scroll using your keyboard.
Especially the possibility to search and scroll was difficult to implement, because the usual search functions don't work in a layout using fixed elements lying over the content. And if you put the content in a smaller container with scrollbar, the keyboard scrolling normally doesn't work. Here it works because every link refers to an anchor and a JavaScript function changes the focus to the content area when you visit this site from another one. But this is nasty and doesn't work on the first call if scripts are disabled. Has anyone found a method which doesn't need JavaScript?

19th July 2008

(not translated)

Die neue VideLibri Version 0.990 ermöglicht es nun auch nach nicht ausgeliehenen Medien zu suchen und erweiterte Informationen, wie das Titelbild, anzeigen. Damit hat VideLibri nun eindeutig mehr Funktionen als die nativen Seiten.

21st May 2008

Today there are some small updates: A new version of my TreeListView which removes some bugs, is more similar to the Windows controls and works with Lazarus. However, it is possible that it doesn't work in older versions of Delphi and it doesn't shows sub-column-elements (but they were never useful anyways).
Then there is a new version of my xml converter with the main difference being the possibility to interpret the xml data as source.
Furthermore I uploaded a unit (for FPC) containing always useful functions.
And the layout of this page is improved, for example the URL of the links looks nicer, the 404 error page is updated and untranslated news are shown (in gray).

12th February 2008

Die neue VideLibriversion 0.987 beseitigt mehrere kritische Fehler bei der FHB und STB.

15th January 2008

My new program RegStealth replaces the registry of Windows with individual xml-files for every program. However, the current version is pre alpha, so there are missing features and probably bugs.

24th December 2008

Merry Christmas!
When you use (y<maxy-7*maxx/8?((Math.abs(x-maxx/2)<=maxx/16?6:5)):(Math.abs(x-maxx/2)<(maxy-y+1)/2?7:5)) as algorithm in the color pattern generator(s.b.) you see a Christmas tree.

6th December 2007

There is now a online program which creates colorful raster maps, for example random patterns or high map of a function.

29th November 2007

(not translated)

Die neue Version 0.985 von VideLibri-Version beseitigt zwei kritische Fehler bei der FHB (bezüglich Vormerkungen) und STB (bezüglich "nur nötiger" Verlängerung).

31st October 2007

(not translated)

Da die Stadtbücherei ihren WebOPAC geändert hat, gibt es nun wieder eine neue VideLibri-Version, die nun auch über BibTex-Export verfügt.
Außerdem gibt es ein Programm, dass die Lösung für eine Aufgabe der Endrunde des Bundeswettbewerb Informatik implementiert; in dem ich jetzt auch Bundessieger geworden bin.

23rd July 2007

You can now download three old games. Two of them can be played on the calculator Algebra FX 2.0 Plus.
There is also a program which allows the calculation with long integers..

4th June 2007

(not translated)

Es gibt jetzt die Version 0.906 von VideLibri, die einen für FHB-Benutzer kritischen Fehler korrigiert.

12th May 2007

Es gibt jetzt die Version 0.905 von VideLibri, die einige Fehler korrigiert.

22nd April 2007

The site structure has been improved, using my xml processing language JAXMLP.
And there are some German only ressources, my submissions to the national informatic contest BWInf and a text about the calculation of molecule conformations.

24th March 2007

(not translated)

Die Seite wird jetzt auch im Internet Explorer 5 und (leider nur ungezoomt) im IE 7.
Wer das Internet mit einem vernünftigen Programm benutzen will, sollte sich aber trotzdem mal den FireFox ansehen.

27th February 2007

(not translated)

Zwei Fehler in VideLibri wurden gelöst, jetzt kann es auch wieder für die FHB benutzt werden.

17th February 2007

(not translated)

Das Ausleihenverwaltungsprogramm VideLibri lässt sich jetzt als Betaversion herunterladen. (trotz Betastatus läuft es fast einwandfrei)

1st February 2007

(not translated)

Die Seite ist jetzt in einer Art Content-Management-System gespeichert. (Das sieht man zwar nicht, ist aber praktisch),
Das letzte Jahr angegekündigte, Bücherverwaltungsprogramm dauert wohl noch ein bisschen länger, es ist zwar im Prinzip schon fertig, hat aber noch zu viele Fehler und ich zu wenig Zeit um sie zu beseitigen. Außerdem ist es in Lazarus programmiert, das Moment auch noch einen Haufen Fehler hat.

15th December 2006

Although the last change here has been more than 7 months ago, this site isn't dead. I have only been to busy to change anything here.
However, today I have added some new support units (for programming, not gaming), a command line parser, an online update class and a simple browser (the last one isn't a tool, because it is only usefull when used together with an own program).
The site itself have been changed, too. There is now a news archive (mainly for the German part, where more news exists) and most of the links are now social bookmarks on (mainly the English links).

26th October 2006

(not translated)

Mein Chemiereferat zur Glaselektrode ist jetzt online.

27th April 2006

(not translated)

Es gibt jetzt die nächste version von MathSys in der einige Fehler korrigiert sind. (Stark vergrößerte Sachen ließen sich nicht drucken, die Vorschau war verschoben und mit sich selbst multiplizierte Variablen wurden nicht gezeichnet).

16th April 2006

Today I have uploaded some little changes. The link page is now extended and my new (a half year old) mail address is listed here. Furthermore there is a mathematical plotter which draws functions. um Funktionen zu zeichnen. It is not finished yet, but the drawing works already and I thinks the output is nicer than the one of any other program I know. Additionally it has a hidden easter-egg.
Happy Easter!

26th December 2005

Because of the wintertime I published a small program which draws snow on the screen.
Happy New Year!

17th September 2005

There is a new delphi component which have the features of TListView and the ones of TTreeView together.

9th September 2005

There are 4 new programs, 1 simple vertically-scrolling shooter and 3 tools, simulators of logic circuits and files.
And I have changed back to the old site division where the source of open source programs is directly linked with the program description.

21st August 2005

(not translated)

Das alte, externe Gästebuch wurde durch ein selbstprogrammiertes ersetzt, so dass es endlich zum Seitendesign passt. Leider sind dadurch alle alten Gästebucheinträge nicht mehr verfügbar, aber man kann sie noch auf der alten Seite finden.

15th August 2005

This page was translated to English and it got a completely new design.
In the next days there will be more updates which will contain other programs.
Because this is my first published English page it would be nice, if you will inform me (via mail or over the guestbook), if you find any linguistic errors like spelling or grammar mistakes.

Maus mit Käse
