BeniBela online


This page is a summary of the enduser-ready programs I wrote and present on this page.



  • VideLibri: An app to manage books borrowed from libraries and access other library catalog functions
  • Xidel: A command line XPath/XQuery/JSONiq interpreter to process HTML/XML/JSON from webpages or locally
  • TeXstudio: A LaTeX editor
  • API Manager: A program which can read and write properties of other programs.
  • Sun Simulator: This program changes the brightness and color of the monitor according to the time and date
  • JAXMLP: Just another XML Processor language.
  • Simplify­Diff: Simplify­Diff remove all unnecessary lines from a diff file, e.g. modified white space or duplicates.
  • Regexgen: An inverse regex matcher that generates all strings which match a given regular expression
  • BBMultiPlot: Plotter rendering multi­variate functions with their symbolic derivative
  • Chiffren­Decoder: Decoder for trivial ciphers
  • AFX-Math: This allows calculations with long integers on the Algebra FX2+ calculator
  • Logics: A simulator of (the logic side of) gate circuits.
  • File­Parser: A simple parser which replaces keywords in some files.
  • GUITools: A plugin for the GST-Builder which contains the most important functions of my WDL editor.
  • MatheFix: A mathematics program about divisible and prime numbers
  • TVB: A small paint program which displays images tiled
  • WDLSSG: (Deprecated) WDL editor for the 3D-GameStudio


  • Mausitanien: Help a mouse to collect cheese!
  • 2D Netzwerk­bomberman­clone: A clone of bomber­man which is played over a network and has AI opponents.
  • Save the World Trade Center: Protect the WTC by shooting down planes before they hit and destroy it!
  • Snake: Clone of snake, running on the Algebra FX 2+ calculator.
  • Solitaire: Clone of the Windows' solitaire game, running on the Algebra FX 2+ calculator.
  • Bücherjagd: Search books in a library!
  • Raumschiff­spiel: A simple vertically-scrolling game
  • Das Kinderzimmer: A educational game for young children.
  • Scherli 2: A clone of pacman played with space ships, a snake and a crocodile
  • Scherli 1: A clone of pacman played with space ships and a crocodile
  • Burg: An old training game for mental arithmetic set in a castle
  • Schnippja: An color guessing game, similar to Mastermind
  • Kampf­simulator: A battle simulator for a German adventure book
  • Defendrix: A console space ship game, similar to the old defender
  • Stockspiel: A logic game
  • Benworm: Clone of Snake
  • In der Galaxis: A 2d space ship game with different rooms
  • PB: Unfinished RTS game


  • SIRDS: A Single Image (Random Dot) Stereo­gram Renderer using hardware acceleration.
  • Webcam UCP: A 3d anaglyph renderer which tracks the user with a webcam and then renders an object with a user centered projection.
  • 64K 3D Starwars Intro: A small movie concerning Star Wars where you see a space ship fight.
  • Snow: A small program which draws snow on the screen.
  • RegStealth 0.01: RegStealth replaces the registry of Windows with XML-files.
  • Molekül­simulator: It is meant to calculate the structure of a molecule
  • FileSim: A file simulator which maps a drive on another. (works only under W9x and ME)
  • FileBlow: A driver which sets the size of all files in a directory to a 7.45EB. (only under W9x and ME)

