All Units
Name | Description |
androidinternetaccess | This unit contains the wrapper TAndroidInternetAccess for Android. |
autoupdate | This unit contains a class which can check online for an update, download and install it |
bbdebugtools | Logging and benchmarking functions for debugging Not supposed to be used in production |
bbrandomnumbergenerator | Random number generators. |
bbutils | This unit contains some basic functions missing in FreePascal. |
bbutilsbeta | Some useful functions or classes |
bbutils_generate | This program parses the bbutils_template.pas file and generates the bbutils.pas file. |
bigdecimalmath_template |
extendedhtmlparser | This units contains a pattern matching HTML parser named THtmlTemplateParser |
fastjsonreader |
fastjsonscanner |
htmlInformation |
int65math |
internetaccess | You can use this unit to configure and create internet connections. |
internetaccess_inflater_paszlib |
mockinternetaccess | This unit contains a mock internet access class, i.e. a class that simulates an internet connection for e.g. unit tests |
multipagetemplate | This unit contains classes to handle multi-page template scripts. A collection of single-page patterns that are applied to multiple webpages. |
okhttpinternetaccess | This unit contains the wrapper TOKHTTPInternetAccess for OkHttp on Android. |
pastemplate | Simple pascal template |
progressdialog |
simplehtmlparser | This is a simple html parser |
simplehtmltreeparser | This unit contains an HTML/XML -> tree converter |
simpleinternet | This unit contains a very simple procedural interface to make http requests and process the returned data. |
simplexmlparser | This file contains something similar to an XML parser. |
simplexmltreeparserfpdom | This unit provides a wrapper around the standard fpc dom unit |
synapseinternetaccess | This unit contains the wrapper for synapse |
synapse_ssl_openssl_override |
w32internetaccess | This unit contains the wrapper for wininet |
xquery.internals.collations |
xquery.internals.lclexcerpt |
xquery.internals.protectionbreakers |
xquery.namespaces |
xquery_json | This unit extends the XQuery interpreter with JSONiq |
xquery_module_binary | This unit implements some functions of the binary module of |
xquery_module_file | This unit implements the file module of |
xquery_module_math | This unit implements the math module of |
xquery_module_uca_icu | This unit implements UCA collations using libicu |
xquery_utf8 | This unit is deprecated. |
xquery__functions | This unit implements the functions and operators in standard XPath/XQuery as defined in and |
xquery__parse |
xquery__regex |
xquery__serialization |
xquery__serialization_nodes |
Generated by PasDoc 0.16.0.