Unit simplehtmlparser
This is a simple html parser
Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records
Functions and Procedures
Functions and Procedures
function pcharStartEqual(p1,p2:pchar;l1,l2: SizeInt):boolean; |
procedure parseHTML(const html:string; enterTagEvent: TEnterTagEvent; leaveTagEvent: TLeaveTagEvent; textEvent: TTextEvent; commentEvent: TCommentEvent = nil); |
This parses html data Notice: You can pass nil for every callback function and if one of them returns prStop, the parsing is aborted.
- html
- The html data
- enterTag
- Event to be called when a tag is entered
- leaveTag
- Event to be called when a tag is leaved
- textRead
- Event to be called when text between tags is read
procedure parseML(const html:string; const options: TParsingOptions; enterTagEvent: TEnterTagEvent; leaveTagEvent: TLeaveTagEvent; textEvent: TTextEvent; commentEvent: TCommentEvent = nil; processingInstruction: TTextEvent = nil; docType: TDocTypeEvent = nil ); |
This parses html/xml data Notice: You can pass nil for every callback function and if one of them returns prStop, the parsing is aborted.
- html
- Input
- options
- Set of options to modify the low-level parsing behaviour. (Set it to [poScriptIsCDATA] for html and [] for xml)
- enterTag
- Event to be called when a tag is entered
- leaveTag
- Event to be called when a tag is leaved
- textRead
- Event to be called when text between tags is read
- commentEvent
- Event to be called when a comment is read
function existPropertyWithValue(propertyName,propertyValue: string; properties:THTMLProperties):boolean; |
function getProperty(propertyName: string; properties:THTMLProperties):string; |
function findLinkWithText(const html:string;text: string):string; |
function findLinkWithProperty(const html:string;prop,value: string):string; |
function findTagPropertyValueWithProperty(const html:string;tag,prop_to_get,prop_must_match,value: string):string; |
TParsingOptions = set of (poRespectHTMLCDATAElements, poRespectHTMLProcessingInstructions, poRespectXMLProcessingInstructions); |
TParsingResult = (...); |
TLeaveTagEvent = function (tagName: pchar; tagNameLen: SizeInt):TParsingResult of object; |
TCommentEvent = function (comment: pchar; commentLen: SizeInt):TParsingResult of object; |
TDocTypeEvent = procedure (name: pchar; nameLen: SizeInt; more: pchar; moreLen: SizeInt) of object; |
TTextFlags = set of (tfCDATA); |
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