Unit int65math




Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Record Int65  

Functions and Procedures

function truncToInt65(const v: Extended): Int65;
function TryStrToInt65(const s: string; out res: Int65): boolean;
function StrToInt65(const s: string): Int65;
function Int65ToStr(const v: Int65): string;
operator :=(const a: Int65): Extended;
operator :=(const a: Int65): int64;
operator :=(const a: Int65): integer;
operator :=(const a: Integer): Int65;
operator -(const a: Int65; const b: Integer): Int65;
operator +(const a: Int65; const b: Integer): Int65;
operator *(const a: Int65; const b: Integer): Int65;
operator div(const a: Int65; const b: Integer): Int65;
operator >(const a: Int65; const b: Integer): boolean;
operator >=(const a: Int65; const b: Integer): boolean;
operator =(const a: Int65; const b: Integer): boolean;
operator <=(const a: Int65; const b: Integer): boolean;
operator <(const a: Int65; const b: Integer): boolean;
operator :=(const a: Cardinal): Int65;
operator -(const a: Int65; const b: Cardinal): Int65;
operator +(const a: Int65; const b: Cardinal): Int65;
operator *(const a: Int65; const b: Cardinal): Int65;
operator div(const a: Int65; const b: Cardinal): Int65;
operator >(const a: Int65; const b: Cardinal): boolean;
operator >=(const a: Int65; const b: Cardinal): boolean;
operator =(const a: Int65; const b: Cardinal): boolean;
operator <=(const a: Int65; const b: Cardinal): boolean;
operator <(const a: Int65; const b: Cardinal): boolean;
operator :=(const a: Int64): Int65;
operator -(const a: Int65; const b: Int64): Int65;
operator +(const a: Int65; const b: Int64): Int65;
operator *(const a: Int65; const b: Int64): Int65;
operator div(const a: Int65; const b: Int64): Int65;
operator >(const a: Int65; const b: Int64): boolean;
operator >=(const a: Int65; const b: Int64): boolean;
operator =(const a: Int65; const b: Int64): boolean;
operator <=(const a: Int65; const b: Int64): boolean;
operator <(const a: Int65; const b: Int64): boolean;
operator :=(const a: UInt64): Int65;
operator -(const a: Int65; const b: UInt64): Int65;
operator +(const a: Int65; const b: UInt64): Int65;
operator *(const a: Int65; const b: UInt64): Int65;
operator div(const a: Int65; const b: UInt64): Int65;
operator >(const a: Int65; const b: UInt64): boolean;
operator >=(const a: Int65; const b: UInt64): boolean;
operator =(const a: Int65; const b: UInt64): boolean;
operator <=(const a: Int65; const b: UInt64): boolean;
operator <(const a: Int65; const b: UInt64): boolean;
operator and(const a: Int65; const b: UInt64): Int65;
operator -(const a: Int65): Int65;
operator +(const a: Int65; const b: Int65): Int65;
operator -(const a: Int65; const b: Int65): Int65;
operator *(const a: Int65; const b: Int65): Int65;
operator div(const a: Int65; const b: Int65): Int65;
operator mod(const a: Int65; const b: Int65): Int65;
operator >(const a: Int65; const b: Int65): boolean;
operator =(const a: Int65; const b: Int65): boolean;
operator <(const a: Int65; const b: Int65): boolean;


MAXINT65: Int65 = (sign: false; value: MaxUIntValue );
MININT65: Int65 = (sign: true; value: MaxUIntValue );


Functions and Procedures

function truncToInt65(const v: Extended): Int65;
function TryStrToInt65(const s: string; out res: Int65): boolean;
function StrToInt65(const s: string): Int65;
function Int65ToStr(const v: Int65): string;
operator :=(const a: Int65): Extended;
operator :=(const a: Int65): int64;
operator :=(const a: Int65): integer;
operator :=(const a: Integer): Int65;
operator -(const a: Int65; const b: Integer): Int65;
operator +(const a: Int65; const b: Integer): Int65;
operator *(const a: Int65; const b: Integer): Int65;
operator div(const a: Int65; const b: Integer): Int65;
operator >(const a: Int65; const b: Integer): boolean;
operator >=(const a: Int65; const b: Integer): boolean;
operator =(const a: Int65; const b: Integer): boolean;
operator <=(const a: Int65; const b: Integer): boolean;
operator <(const a: Int65; const b: Integer): boolean;
operator :=(const a: Cardinal): Int65;
operator -(const a: Int65; const b: Cardinal): Int65;
operator +(const a: Int65; const b: Cardinal): Int65;
operator *(const a: Int65; const b: Cardinal): Int65;
operator div(const a: Int65; const b: Cardinal): Int65;
operator >(const a: Int65; const b: Cardinal): boolean;
operator >=(const a: Int65; const b: Cardinal): boolean;
operator =(const a: Int65; const b: Cardinal): boolean;
operator <=(const a: Int65; const b: Cardinal): boolean;
operator <(const a: Int65; const b: Cardinal): boolean;
operator :=(const a: Int64): Int65;
operator -(const a: Int65; const b: Int64): Int65;
operator +(const a: Int65; const b: Int64): Int65;
operator *(const a: Int65; const b: Int64): Int65;
operator div(const a: Int65; const b: Int64): Int65;
operator >(const a: Int65; const b: Int64): boolean;
operator >=(const a: Int65; const b: Int64): boolean;
operator =(const a: Int65; const b: Int64): boolean;
operator <=(const a: Int65; const b: Int64): boolean;
operator <(const a: Int65; const b: Int64): boolean;
operator :=(const a: UInt64): Int65;
operator -(const a: Int65; const b: UInt64): Int65;
operator +(const a: Int65; const b: UInt64): Int65;
operator *(const a: Int65; const b: UInt64): Int65;
operator div(const a: Int65; const b: UInt64): Int65;
operator >(const a: Int65; const b: UInt64): boolean;
operator >=(const a: Int65; const b: UInt64): boolean;
operator =(const a: Int65; const b: UInt64): boolean;
operator <=(const a: Int65; const b: UInt64): boolean;
operator <(const a: Int65; const b: UInt64): boolean;
operator and(const a: Int65; const b: UInt64): Int65;
operator -(const a: Int65): Int65;
operator +(const a: Int65; const b: Int65): Int65;
operator -(const a: Int65; const b: Int65): Int65;
operator *(const a: Int65; const b: Int65): Int65;
operator div(const a: Int65; const b: Int65): Int65;
operator mod(const a: Int65; const b: Int65): Int65;
operator >(const a: Int65; const b: Int65): boolean;
operator =(const a: Int65; const b: Int65): boolean;
operator <(const a: Int65; const b: Int65): boolean;


MAXINT65: Int65 = (sign: false; value: MaxUIntValue );
MININT65: Int65 = (sign: true; value: MaxUIntValue );

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