Class TXSType




type TXSType = class(TObject)


General XML schema type


  • TObject
  • TXSType



Public name: string;
Public schema: TXSSchema;
Public base: TXSType;
Public storage: TXQValueClass;
Public whiteSpaceFacet: TXSConstrainingFacetWhitespace;
Public whiteSpaceFixed: boolean;
Public id: integer;
Public descendantsIds: int64;


Public constructor Create(aname: string; aparent: TXSType = nil; astorage: TXQValueClass = nil; aschema: TXSSchema = nil);
Public function derivedFrom(t: TXSType): boolean;
Public function derivedFrom(t: array of TXSType): boolean;
Public function containsTransitive(t: TXSType): boolean; virtual;
Public class function commonType(a, b: TXSType): TXSType; static;
Public class function commonType(const a, b: IXQValue): TXSType; static;
Public function getIntegerType: TXSType; virtual;
Public class function commonIntegerType(const a,b: TXSType): TXSNumericType; static;
Public class function commonIntegerType(const a,b: IXQValue): TXSNumericType; inline; static;
Public function getDecimalType: TXSType; virtual;
Public class function commonDecimalType(a,b: TXSType; const failureType: TXSType): TXSType;
Public class function commonDecimalType(const a,b: IXQValue): TXSType; static;
Public function createValue(const v: IXQValue): IXQValue; inline;
Public function createValue(const v: Int64): IXQValue; inline;
Public function createValue(const v: xqfloat): IXQValue; inline;
Public function createValue(const v: BigDecimal): IXQValue; inline;
Public function createValue(const v: String): IXQValue; inline;



Public name: string;
Public schema: TXSSchema;
Public base: TXSType;
Public storage: TXQValueClass;
Public whiteSpaceFacet: TXSConstrainingFacetWhitespace;
Public whiteSpaceFixed: boolean;
Public id: integer;
Public descendantsIds: int64;


Public constructor Create(aname: string; aparent: TXSType = nil; astorage: TXQValueClass = nil; aschema: TXSSchema = nil);
Public function derivedFrom(t: TXSType): boolean;
Public function derivedFrom(t: array of TXSType): boolean;
Public function containsTransitive(t: TXSType): boolean; virtual;
Public class function commonType(a, b: TXSType): TXSType; static;
Public class function commonType(const a, b: IXQValue): TXSType; static;
Public function getIntegerType: TXSType; virtual;
Public class function commonIntegerType(const a,b: TXSType): TXSNumericType; static;
Public class function commonIntegerType(const a,b: IXQValue): TXSNumericType; inline; static;
Public function getDecimalType: TXSType; virtual;
Public class function commonDecimalType(a,b: TXSType; const failureType: TXSType): TXSType;
Public class function commonDecimalType(const a,b: IXQValue): TXSType; static;
Public function createValue(const v: IXQValue): IXQValue; inline;

Creates a new value from the argument array (directly maps to the xs:something constructors of XPath)

Public function createValue(const v: Int64): IXQValue; inline;
Public function createValue(const v: xqfloat): IXQValue; inline;
Public function createValue(const v: BigDecimal): IXQValue; inline;
Public function createValue(const v: String): IXQValue; inline;

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