Class TMultipageTemplateReader



type TMultipageTemplateReader = class(TObject)


Class to process a multi-page template

see TMultiPageTemplate for a documentation of the allowed XML elements.




Public internet:TInternetAccess;
Public parser: THtmlTemplateParser;
Public onLog: TLogEvent;
Public onPageProcessed: TPageProcessed;
Public retryOnConnectionFailures: boolean;
Public actionTrace: TStringArrayList;


Public constructor create(atemplate:TMultiPageTemplate; ainternet: TInternetAccess; patternMatcher: THtmlTemplateParser = nil);
Public destructor destroy(); override;
Public function findAction(name:string):TTemplateAction;
Public procedure callAction(action:string);
Public procedure callAction(const action:TTemplateAction);



Public internet:TInternetAccess;

Object used to send requests and download pages

Public parser: THtmlTemplateParser;

Parser used to apply the given single page templates to a downloaded page

Public onLog: TLogEvent;

Log event

Public onPageProcessed: TPageProcessed;

Event to access the changed variable state after each processed <page> element

Public retryOnConnectionFailures: boolean;
Public actionTrace: TStringArrayList;


Public constructor create(atemplate:TMultiPageTemplate; ainternet: TInternetAccess; patternMatcher: THtmlTemplateParser = nil);

Creates a reader using a certain template (atemplate is mandatory, ainternet optional)

Public destructor destroy(); override;
Public function findAction(name:string):TTemplateAction;

Searches the action element with the given id (equivalent to TMultiPageTemplate.findAction)

Public procedure callAction(action:string);

Executes the action with the given id

This does not modify the action, so you can use the same template with multiple readers (even in other threads)

Public procedure callAction(const action:TTemplateAction);

Executes the given action
This does not modify the action, so you can use the same template with multiple readers (even in other threads)

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