Record TMIMEMultipartData




type TMIMEMultipartData = record


encodes the data corresponding to RFC 1341 (preliminary)



Public data: array of TMIMEMultipartSubData;
Public nested const HeaderSeparator = #13#10;
Public nested const ALLOWED_BOUNDARY_CHARS: string = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-';


Public function getFormDataIndex(const name: string): integer;
Public procedure add(const sdata: string; const headers: string = '');
Public procedure addFormData(const name, sdata: string; headers: string = '');
Public procedure addFormDataFile(const name, filename: string; headers: string = '');
Public procedure addFormData(const name, sdata, filename, contenttype, headers: string);
Public function compose(out boundary: string; boundaryHint: string = '---------------------------1212jhjg2ypsdofx0235p2z5as09'): string;
Public procedure parse(sdata, boundary: string);
Public procedure clear;
Public class function buildHeaders(const name, filename, contenttype, headers: string): TStringArray; static;
Public class function insertMissingNameToHeaders(const name: string; headers: TStringArray): TStringArray; static;
Public class function nameFromHeader(const header: string): string; static;
Public class function indexOfHeader(const sl: TStringArray; name: string): sizeint; static;
Public class function HeaderForBoundary(const boundary: string): string; static;



Public data: array of TMIMEMultipartSubData;
Public nested const HeaderSeparator = #13#10;
Public nested const ALLOWED_BOUNDARY_CHARS: string = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-';


Public function getFormDataIndex(const name: string): integer;
Public procedure add(const sdata: string; const headers: string = '');
Public procedure addFormData(const name, sdata: string; headers: string = '');
Public procedure addFormDataFile(const name, filename: string; headers: string = '');
Public procedure addFormData(const name, sdata, filename, contenttype, headers: string);
Public function compose(out boundary: string; boundaryHint: string = '---------------------------1212jhjg2ypsdofx0235p2z5as09'): string;
Public procedure parse(sdata, boundary: string);
Public procedure clear;
Public class function buildHeaders(const name, filename, contenttype, headers: string): TStringArray; static;
Public class function insertMissingNameToHeaders(const name: string; headers: TStringArray): TStringArray; static;
Public class function nameFromHeader(const header: string): string; static;
Public class function indexOfHeader(const sl: TStringArray; name: string): sizeint; static;
Public class function HeaderForBoundary(const boundary: string): string; static;

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