Overview Units Class Hierarchy Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records Types Variables Constants Functions and Procedures Identifiers |
Unit bigdecimalmath
An unit for arbitrary precision arithmetic on bcd floats
See BigDecimal
Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records
Functions and Procedures
function TryStrToBigDecimal(const s: string; res: PBigDecimal; errCode: PBigDecimalErrorCode = nil): boolean; |
function StrToBigDecimal(const s: string): BigDecimal; inline; |
function BigDecimalToStr(const v: BigDecimal; format: TBigDecimalFormat = bdfExact): string; |
function BigDecimalToLongint(const a: BigDecimal): Longint; |
function BigDecimalToInt64(const a: BigDecimal): Int64; |
function BigDecimalToExtended(const a: BigDecimal): Extended; |
operator :=(const a: Integer): BigDecimal; |
operator :=(const a: Int64): BigDecimal; |
operator :=(const a: QWord): BigDecimal; |
operator :=(const a: Extended): BigDecimal; deprecated 'Direct casting of float to bigdecimal might lead to rounding errors. Consider using StrToBigDecimal.'; |
operator -(const a: BigDecimal): BigDecimal; |
operator +(const a: BigDecimal; const b: BigDecimal): BigDecimal; |
operator -(const a: BigDecimal; const b: BigDecimal): BigDecimal; |
operator *(const a: BigDecimal; const b: BigDecimal): BigDecimal; |
operator /(const a: BigDecimal; const b: BigDecimal): BigDecimal; |
operator div(const a: BigDecimal; const b: BigDecimal): BigDecimal; |
operator mod(const a: BigDecimal; const b: BigDecimal): BigDecimal; |
operator **(const a: BigDecimal; const b: int64): BigDecimal; |
procedure divideModNoAlias(out quotient, remainder: BigDecimal; const a, b: BigDecimal; targetPrecision: integer = 18; flags: TBigDecimalDivisionFlags = [bddfKeepDividentPrecision, bddfKeepDivisorPrecision, bddfAddHiddenDigit]); |
function divide(const a, b: BigDecimal; maximalAdditionalFractionDigits: integer = 18; flags: TBigDecimalDivisionFlags = [bddfKeepDividentPrecision, bddfKeepDivisorPrecision, bddfAddHiddenDigit]): BigDecimal; |
procedure shift10(var v: BigDecimal; shift: integer); |
function shifted10(const v: BigDecimal; shift: integer): BigDecimal; |
function compareBigDecimals(const a, b: BigDecimal): integer; |
operator <(const a: BigDecimal; const b: BigDecimal): boolean; |
operator <=(const a: BigDecimal; const b: BigDecimal): boolean; |
operator =(const a: BigDecimal; const b: BigDecimal): boolean; |
operator >=(const a: BigDecimal; const b: BigDecimal): boolean; |
operator >(const a: BigDecimal; const b: BigDecimal): boolean; |
procedure normalize(var x: BigDecimal); |
function precision(const v: BigDecimal): integer; |
function round(const v: BigDecimal; toDigit: integer = 0; roundingMode: TBigDecimalRoundingMode = bfrmRound): BigDecimal; overload; |
function roundInRange(mi, exact, ma: BigDecimal): BigDecimal; |
function getDigit(const v: BigDecimal; digit: integer): BigDecimalBin; |
procedure setZero(out r: BigDecimal); |
procedure setOne(out r: BigDecimal); |
function isZero(const v: BigDecimal): boolean; overload; |
function isIntegral(const v: BigDecimal): boolean; |
function isLongint(const v: BigDecimal): boolean; |
function isInt64(const v: BigDecimal): boolean; |
function odd(const v: BigDecimal): boolean; overload; |
function even(const v: BigDecimal): boolean; overload; |
function abs(const v: BigDecimal): BigDecimal; overload; |
function power(const v: BigDecimal; const exp: Int64): BigDecimal; overload; |
function sqrt(const v: BigDecimal; precision: integer = 9): BigDecimal; overload; |
function gcd(const a,b: BigDecimal): BigDecimal; overload; |
function lcm(const a,b: BigDecimal): BigDecimal; overload; |
function fastpower2to(const exp: Int64): BigDecimal; |
function fastpower5to(const exp: Int64): BigDecimal; |
Functions and Procedures
function TryStrToBigDecimal(const s: string; res: PBigDecimal; errCode: PBigDecimalErrorCode = nil): boolean; |
Converts a decimal string to a bigdecimal. Supports standard decimal notation, like -123.456 or 1E-2 (-?[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)?([eE][-+]?[0-9]+) )
function StrToBigDecimal(const s: string): BigDecimal; inline; |
Converts a decimal string to a bigdecimal. Supports standard decimal notation, like -123.456 or 1E-2 (-?[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)?([eE][-+]?[0-9]+) ) Raises an exception on invalid input.
function BigDecimalToStr(const v: BigDecimal; format: TBigDecimalFormat = bdfExact): string; |
Converts a bigdecimal to a decimal string The result will be fixed width format [0-9]+(.[0-9]+)?, even if the input had an exponent
function BigDecimalToLongint(const a: BigDecimal): Longint; |
Converts a bigdecimal to a native int (can overflow)
function BigDecimalToInt64(const a: BigDecimal): Int64; |
Converts a bigdecimal to a native int (can overflow)
function BigDecimalToExtended(const a: BigDecimal): Extended; |
Converts a bigdecimal to an extended (may introduce rounding errors)
operator :=(const a: Extended): BigDecimal; deprecated 'Direct casting of float to bigdecimal might lead to rounding errors. Consider using StrToBigDecimal.'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: Direct casting of float to bigdecimal might lead to rounding errors. Consider using StrToBigDecimal.
Converts an extended to a BigDecimal Marked as deprecated, because it may lead to rounding errors. FloatToBigDecimal is exact, but probably some magnitudes slower. For constant values StrToBigDecimal should be used instead.
operator /(const a: BigDecimal; const b: BigDecimal): BigDecimal; |
Standard operator binary / If the result can not be represented as finite decimal number (e.g. 1/3) it will be calculated with 18 digit precision after the decimal point, with an additional hidden digit for rounding (so 1/3 is 0.333333333333333333, and 0.333333333333333333*3 is 0.999999999999999999, but (1/3) * 3 is 1).
operator mod(const a: BigDecimal; const b: BigDecimal): BigDecimal; |
Standard operator binary mod Calculates the remainder of an integer division a - (a div b) * b
procedure divideModNoAlias(out quotient, remainder: BigDecimal; const a, b: BigDecimal; targetPrecision: integer = 18; flags: TBigDecimalDivisionFlags = [bddfKeepDividentPrecision, bddfKeepDivisorPrecision, bddfAddHiddenDigit]); |
Universal division/modulo function. Calculates the quotient and remainder of a / b. bddfKeepDividentPrecision: calculates as least as many non-zero digit of the quotient as the divident (1st arg) has bddfKeepDivisorPrecision: calculates as least as many non-zero digit of the quotient as the divisor (2nd arg) has bddfAddHiddenDigit: Calculates an additional digit for rounding, which will not be displayed by BigDecimalToStr bddfFillIntegerPart: Calculate at least all digits of the integer part of the quotient, independent of the precision of the input bddfNoFractionalPart: Do not calculate the fractional part of the quotient (remember that a bigdecimal is a scaled integer. So bfdfFillIntegerPart ensures that the result has not less digits than an integer division (necessary in case of an exponent > 0) and bfdfKillFractions that the result has not more digits than an integer division (in case of an exponent < 0) ) not all flag combinations were tested
- maximalAdditionalFractionDigits
- How many digits should be added to the quotient, if the result cannot be represented with the current precision
- flags
- Division options:
procedure shift10(var v: BigDecimal; shift: integer); |
Calculates a decimal shift: v := v * 10ˆshift
function shifted10(const v: BigDecimal; shift: integer): BigDecimal; |
Calculates a decimal shift: result := v * 10ˆshift
function compareBigDecimals(const a, b: BigDecimal): integer; |
Compares the big decimals. Returns -1, 0 or 1 corresponding to a <, = or > b
procedure normalize(var x: BigDecimal); |
Removes leading (pre .) and trailing (post .) zeros
function precision(const v: BigDecimal): integer; |
How many non-zero digits the number contains
function round(const v: BigDecimal; toDigit: integer = 0; roundingMode: TBigDecimalRoundingMode = bfrmRound): BigDecimal; overload; |
Universal rounding function Rounds v to the precision of a certain digit, subject to a certain rounding mode. Positive toDigit will round to an integer with toDigit trailing zeros, negative toDigit will round to a decimal with -toDigit numbers after the decimal point
function roundInRange(mi, exact, ma: BigDecimal): BigDecimal; |
Given mi < exact < ma, truncate exact to a bigdecimal result, such that mi < result < ma result has the minimal number of non-zero digits | result - exact | is minimized
function getDigit(const v: BigDecimal; digit: integer): BigDecimalBin; |
Returns the digit-th digit of v. Last integer digit is digit 0, digits at negative indices are behind the decimal point.
function isIntegral(const v: BigDecimal): boolean; |
Returns true iff v has no fractional digits
function isLongint(const v: BigDecimal): boolean; |
Returns true iff v has no fractional digits and can be stored within an longint (32 bit integer)
function isInt64(const v: BigDecimal): boolean; |
Returns true iff v has no fractional digits and can be stored within an int64
function odd(const v: BigDecimal): boolean; overload; |
Checks if v is odd . A number with fractional digits is never odd (only weird)
function even(const v: BigDecimal): boolean; overload; |
Checks if v is even . A number with fractional digits is never even (and neither odd, which is odd)
function power(const v: BigDecimal; const exp: Int64): BigDecimal; overload; |
Calculates v ** exp, with exp being an integer
function sqrt(const v: BigDecimal; precision: integer = 9): BigDecimal; overload; |
Calculates the square root of v, to precision digits after the decimal point Not much tested
function gcd(const a,b: BigDecimal): BigDecimal; overload; |
Calculates the greatest common denominator (only makes sense for positive integer input)
function fastpower2to(const exp: Int64): BigDecimal; |
Calculates 2 ** exp exactly, with exp being an integer (faster than power for negative exp)
function fastpower5to(const exp: Int64): BigDecimal; |
Calculates 5 ** exp exactly, with exp being an integer (faster than power for negative exp)
BigDecimalBin = shortint; |
BigDecimalBinSquared = longint; |
BigDecimalBin = smallint ; |
BigDecimalBinSquared = longint; |
BigDecimalBin = smallint; |
BigDecimalBinSquared = longint; |
BigDecimalBin = smallint; |
BigDecimalBinSquared = longint; |
BigDecimalBinSquared = int64; |
BigDecimalBinSquared = int64; |
BigDecimalBinSquared = int64; |
BigDecimalBinSquared = int64; |
BigDecimalBinSquared = int64; |
TBigDecimalErrorCode = (...); |
TBigDecimalFormat = (...); |
TBigDecimalFloatFormat = (...); |
TBigDecimalDivisionFlags = set of (bddfKeepDividentPrecision, bddfKeepDivisorPrecision, bddfAddHiddenDigit, bddfFillIntegerPart, bddfNoFractionalPart); |
TBigDecimalRoundingMode = (...); |
ELEMENT_OVERFLOW = 10000000; |
ELEMENT_OVERFLOW = 100000000; |
ELEMENT_OVERFLOW = 1000000000; |
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