Unit ptranslateutils




Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class TPascalTranslator If a fallback language exists it must be the source language if you want to translate into the source language

Functions and Procedures

function pascalizeName(const s:string):string;
procedure initUnitTranslation(unitname:string; var translator: TPascalTranslator; translationFile: string='');
procedure initGlobalTranslation(podirectory: string; globalTranslationFile: string=''; language:string='';fallBackLanguage:string='');


Functions and Procedures

function pascalizeName(const s:string):string;
procedure initUnitTranslation(unitname:string; var translator: TPascalTranslator; translationFile: string='');

This initialize the translator for the given unit.
Theoretical this translator should be freed at program end, but don't do it, because Windows frees this memory automatically and every translator is created only once

procedure initGlobalTranslation(podirectory: string; globalTranslationFile: string=''; language:string='';fallBackLanguage:string='');

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