All Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Unit Description
EDateTimeParsingException bbutils


EDecodeHTMLEntitiesException bbutils


TBaseArrayList bbutils


TBaseArrayList.TBasePreEnumerator bbutils


TCommonEnumerator bbutilsbeta

A generic enumerator that works for any fixed-length collection.

TCopyingArrayList bbutils


TCopyingArrayList.TEnumerator bbutils


TCopyingPtrArrayList bbutils


TGenericRandomNumberGenerator bbrandomnumbergenerator

Generic random number generator.

TPascalTranslator ptranslateutils

If a fallback language exists it must be the source language if you want to translate into the source language

TPCharView bbutils

A string view representing a subsequence of a string or pchar or char array.

TPointerView bbutils

An array view representing a slice (subsequence) of an array.

TRecordArrayList bbutils


TRecordArrayList.TEnumerator bbutils


TSplitMix64 bbrandomnumbergenerator

A very bad random number generator, only used internally to improve the seed for xoshiro

TStrBuilder bbutils

String builder to create strings

TStringView bbutils

A string view representing a subsequence of a string

TStrIterator bbutils

Str iterator.

TUTF8StringCodePointBlockEnumerator bbutils

Enumerator for utf-8 codepoints in a string.

Txoshiro256ss bbrandomnumbergenerator

Random number generator based on xoshiro** by Sebastiano Vigna

Generated by PasDoc 0.16.0.