Class TXQNativeModule




type TXQNativeModule = class(TObject)


A native XQuery module. Each native module has a certain namespace and declares functions, types and operators *


  • TObject
  • TXQNativeModule



Public acceptedModels: set of TXQParsingModel;
Public namespace: INamespace;
Public parents: array of TXQNativeModule;


Public constructor create(const anamespace: INamespace; const aparentModule: array of TXQNativeModule);
Public constructor create(const anamespace: INamespace);
Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public procedure registerFunction(const name: string; minArgCount, maxArgCount: integer; func: TXQBasicFunction; const typeChecking: array of string); overload;
Public procedure registerFunction(const name: string; func: TXQBasicFunction; const typeChecking: array of string);
Public procedure registerFunction(const name: string; minArgCount, maxArgCount: integer; func: TXQComplexFunction; const typeChecking: array of string; contextDependencies: TXQContextDependencies = [low(TXQContextDependency)..high(TXQContextDependency)]);
Public procedure registerFunction(const name: string; func: TXQComplexFunction; const typeChecking: array of string; contextDependencies: TXQContextDependencies = [low(TXQContextDependency)..high(TXQContextDependency)]);
Public procedure registerInterpretedFunction(const name, typeDeclaration, func: string; contextDependencies: TXQContextDependencies = [low(TXQContextDependency)..high(TXQContextDependency)]);
Public function registerBinaryOp(const name:string; func: TXQBinaryOp; priority: integer; flags: TXQOperatorFlags; const typeChecking: array of string; contextDependencies: TXQContextDependencies = [low(TXQContextDependency)..high(TXQContextDependency)]): TXQOperatorInfo;
Public function findBasicFunction(const name: string; argCount: integer; model: TXQParsingModel = xqpmXQuery3): TXQBasicFunctionInfo;
Public function findComplexFunction(const name: string; argCount: integer; model: TXQParsingModel = xqpmXQuery3): TXQComplexFunctionInfo;
Public function findInterpretedFunction(const name: string; argCount: integer; model: TXQParsingModel = xqpmXQuery3): TXQInterpretedFunctionInfo;
Public function findBinaryOp(const name: string; model: TXQParsingModel = xqpmXQuery3): TXQOperatorInfo;



Public acceptedModels: set of TXQParsingModel;
Public namespace: INamespace;
Public parents: array of TXQNativeModule;


Public constructor create(const anamespace: INamespace; const aparentModule: array of TXQNativeModule);
Public constructor create(const anamespace: INamespace);
Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public procedure registerFunction(const name: string; minArgCount, maxArgCount: integer; func: TXQBasicFunction; const typeChecking: array of string); overload;

Registers a function that does not depend on the context. TypeChecking contains a list of standard XQuery function declarations (without the function name) for strict type checking.

Public procedure registerFunction(const name: string; func: TXQBasicFunction; const typeChecking: array of string);
Public procedure registerFunction(const name: string; minArgCount, maxArgCount: integer; func: TXQComplexFunction; const typeChecking: array of string; contextDependencies: TXQContextDependencies = [low(TXQContextDependency)..high(TXQContextDependency)]);

Registers a function that does depend on the context. TypeChecking contains a list of standard XQuery function declarations (without the function name) for strict type checking.

Public procedure registerFunction(const name: string; func: TXQComplexFunction; const typeChecking: array of string; contextDependencies: TXQContextDependencies = [low(TXQContextDependency)..high(TXQContextDependency)]);
Public procedure registerInterpretedFunction(const name, typeDeclaration, func: string; contextDependencies: TXQContextDependencies = [low(TXQContextDependency)..high(TXQContextDependency)]);

Registers a function from an XQuery body TypeChecking must a standard XQuery function declarations (without the function name but WITH the variable names) (it uses a simplified parser, so only space whitespace is allowed)

Public function registerBinaryOp(const name:string; func: TXQBinaryOp; priority: integer; flags: TXQOperatorFlags; const typeChecking: array of string; contextDependencies: TXQContextDependencies = [low(TXQContextDependency)..high(TXQContextDependency)]): TXQOperatorInfo;

Registers a binary operator TypeChecking contains a list of standard XQuery function declarations (with or without the function name) for strict type checking.

Public function findBasicFunction(const name: string; argCount: integer; model: TXQParsingModel = xqpmXQuery3): TXQBasicFunctionInfo;
Public function findComplexFunction(const name: string; argCount: integer; model: TXQParsingModel = xqpmXQuery3): TXQComplexFunctionInfo;
Public function findInterpretedFunction(const name: string; argCount: integer; model: TXQParsingModel = xqpmXQuery3): TXQInterpretedFunctionInfo;
Public function findBinaryOp(const name: string; model: TXQParsingModel = xqpmXQuery3): TXQOperatorInfo;

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